Transfer Files with FTP using DOS

I own a slower internet connection and computer. So i need not have to waste my resource and bandwidth for monster FTP

Clients. So I use DOS to transfer files over FTP. Following will be a description on transferring files over FTP.

In the run prompt, enter cmd and press OK

Now the Command Prompt appears. In it, type ftp and press enter.

FTP prompt now appears.

In order to create a connection with a server, we use the open command. The syntax is as follows.

example: open

Now a prompt for Username comes in. Enter your username and press enter. Next a prompt for Password comes in. Enter your

password there and on enter you will be connected to FTP.

To list directories and files, we use the command ls

To change a directory, use command cd
To change local directory, use lcd

We must first specify the type of file transfer. The two transfer options are ascii and binary.

DOS FTP also supports uploading and downloading multiple files. It also has wildcard support.

To upload a single file, use the command put and for multiple files, use the command mput

Single file: put
Multiple file using wildcards: mput <*filename>

example: put index.htm or mput *.htm

You have a provision to rename the file if you are transferring a single file. To do it use the syntax, put

Downloading files is similar to uploading; instead the case that we use get and mget commands. The art of

renaming files is also available for single file downloads.

example: get index.htm or mget *.htm

To close the connection to server, use the command quit or bye



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