For removing the Low Disk Space warning, i use here a registry trick. Editing the Windows Registry may damage your system, if

not done properly. So if you are not well experienced on using Windows Registry, Click Here to download the automated .reg

file and run. If you have a working knowledge on Windows Registry, follow the given steps.

In the run prompt, enter regedit

The Registry Editor becomes active.

Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer

Create a New DWORD Value and enterNoLowDiskSpaceChecks in the Name field.

Double Click on the DWORD Value create and enter 1 in the Value Data text box and press OK

Now onwards you will not be shown the annoying Low Disk Space baloon.



K2 Modify 2007 | Use it. But don't abuse it.